Music and media[edit]La, musical note in the most common form of solmization as well as in..."la, la, la", popular refrain of Can't Get You Out of My Head by Kylie MinogueBusiness ...liú流xíng行de的yì抑zhì制bù不néng能ràng讓nǐ你chū出wǒ我de的tóu頭bèi被kǎi凱lì莉mǐ...
Chou formally entered the film industry in 2005 with the release of the movie Initial D. He has since acted in three other movies, directed one film and more than a dozen music videos. Chou, who once said "I live because of music", ventured into movies because he felt the ...
Chou formally entered the film industry in 2005 with the release of the movie Initial D. He has since acted in three other movies, directed one film and more than a dozen music videos. Chou, who once said "I live because of music", ventured into movies because he felt the ...
Chou formally entered the film industry in 2005 with the release of the movie Initial D. He has since acted in three other movies, directed one film and more than a dozen music videos. Chou, who once said "I live because of music", ventured into movies because he felt the ...
Chou formally entered the film industry in 2005 with the release of the movie Initial D. He has since acted in three other movies, directed one film and more than a dozen music videos. Chou, who once said "I live because of music", ventured into movies because he felt the ...
Chou formally entered the film industry in 2005 with the release of the movie Initial D. He has since acted in three other movies, directed one film and more than a dozen music videos. Chou, who once said "I live because of music", ventured into movies because he felt the ...
LA一般指洛杉磯 洛杉磯(Los Angeles),位于美國加利福尼亞州西南部,是美國第二大城市,也是美國西部最大的城市,常被稱為“天使之城”(City of Angels)。洛杉磯面積約1291平方千米,城市中心坐標為北緯34°03′、西經(jīng)118°15′,全市擁有約397.6萬的人口(2016年)。截至2016年,洛杉磯被劃分為...
泰竹19760112072咨詢: 出租車燃油附加費(關(guān)于出租車燃油附加費的基本詳情介紹)
______ 1、出租車燃油附加費,專業(yè)術(shù)語,拼音為chū zū chē rán yóu fù jiā fèi,2009年11月25日,出租車燃油附加費正式開收.2、出租車是否加收1元燃油附加費,關(guān)鍵是看出租車計價器上顯示的公里數(shù),而不是看打車金額是否超過10元的基價.
泰竹19760112072咨詢: 律師非訴訟業(yè)務(關(guān)于律師非訴訟業(yè)務的基本詳情介紹)
______ 1、非訴訟業(yè)務是專業(yè)術(shù)語,拼音為fēi sù sòng yè wù,是指律師接受公民、法人或者其他組織的委托.2、在其職權(quán)范圍內(nèi)為當事人處理不與法院、仲裁委員會發(fā)生關(guān)聯(lián)的法律事務,與訴訟業(yè)務相對應.
泰竹19760112072咨詢: 作業(yè)的業(yè)怎么組詞
______ 1、作業(yè)的業(yè)的組詞:工業(yè)、就業(yè)、業(yè)余、專業(yè)、安居樂業(yè)、父業(yè)、成家立業(yè)、休業(yè)、作業(yè)、開業(yè)、敬業(yè)、農(nóng)業(yè)、業(yè)績.2、業(yè)(拼音:yè)是漢語通用規(guī)范一級漢字(常用字).此字始見于西周金文,本義一般認為指古代樂器架子的橫板,刻成鋸齒狀,用以懸掛鐘、磬等.后也指筑墻板和書冊的夾板.又引申指學業(yè),進而引申指其他行業(yè)、事業(yè),再轉(zhuǎn)指產(chǎn)業(yè).業(yè)又表示行為完成,相當于已經(jīng).佛教徒稱一切行為、言語、思想為業(yè),包括善惡兩方面,一般專指惡業(yè).由此引申指罪孽,又用作詈罵之辭.
泰竹19760112072咨詢: 工業(yè)鏡頭(關(guān)于工業(yè)鏡頭的基本詳情介紹)
______ 1、工業(yè)鏡頭是專業(yè)術(shù)語,拼音為ɡōnɡ yè jìnɡ tóu,基本功能就是實現(xiàn)光束變換(調(diào)制),在機器視覺系統(tǒng)中,主要作用是將目標成像在圖像傳感器的光敏面上.2、鏡頭的質(zhì)量直接影響到機器視覺系統(tǒng)的整體性能,合理地選擇和安裝鏡頭,是機器視覺系統(tǒng)設計的重要環(huán)節(jié).
泰竹19760112072咨詢: 四川音樂學院宿舍靈異事件(四川音樂學院宿舍)
______ 1、四人間?上面是窗?下面是電腦桌?有衣柜和書柜2、?帶獨立衛(wèi)生間?還有洗手臺-?-?就是洗Y的地方3、?27寸長虹彩電[不知道尺寸有錯米-?-]4、?電視電話電風扇電燈都有勒-?-?5、?就是沒電熱水器?洗澡?還是要去學校澡堂-0-